19 Jul 2016
Why recruiting the right personality mix is crucial in business
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
Do you know what personality type you fall into?  Have you ever tried to classify who you are, what motivates you or aggravates you, what job might suit you best? For a manager, it’s a good thing to know about yourself, but even more important is having that information about...
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19 Jul 2016
Understanding what makes your staff tick is essential to success!
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
Managing staff is definitely not a one size fits all.  Knowing how to manage different personalities is a skill managers need to grasp if their business is to really flourish. You may have pulled together an amazing team, recruiting individuals that suit their specific role to a tee, but unless...
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14 Jun 2016
The best way to stop working over - treat home time like you’re jetting off on hols!
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
One of the biggest business owners’ bug-bears is having to work over each night, because there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done! Well, there are certain things in life you simply can’t be late for, like catching a plane. So how is it we can make...
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