15 Nov 2016
Order! Order! How an order book can help keep your business in line
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
Some may think it’s an outdated practice, but keeping your order book in order can really help you keep your business in check.  It may be seen as an ‘old way’ of doing things, but my argument has always been - if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! On my...
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24 Oct 2016
Are you tracking your numbers to help you sell?
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
If you’re left wondering month after month why you haven’t got enough prospects converting to customers, or why your customer numbers are rising but your profits aren’t, you’re probably not tracking your numbers effectively. It’s not uncommon, and is often because business owners simply don’t know where to start to...
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24 Oct 2016
Are you selling on price, or value?
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
As a business coach, I talk a lot about the sales process. It’s vital in a business to know how to find and follow-up on leads, how to approach and negotiate with customers and how to close a deal. One of the issues that crops up time and again when...
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