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20 Feb 2023
Strategies to Improve Your Customer Service
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
Good customer service is essential for business growth, customer satisfaction, and long-term profitability. Maintaining happy customers will increase customer retention, referrals and overall brand reputation. Research suggests that if you have a positive experience with a company or brand, you're likely to tell two or three people. However, if you...
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23 Jan 2023
Make your business more profitable
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
One of the best ways to grow your business and become more profitable is to improve efficiency and maximise your return on investment (ROI). A successful, profitable business will focus on marketing and sales to keep money coming in and efficiently to slow the money going out - make every...
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24 Oct 2022
The importance of after-sales and upsell
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
Completed the sale: Job done! - or is it? On average, it can cost up to five times more to attract new business than to keep an existing one. Therefore, after-sales and customer care is essential to building and maintaining a profitable business. According to Fundsquire, in the United Kingdom,...
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