20 Sep 2018
Why have a business plan
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
'Business plans don't work' is the common misconception of many business owners. It's a statement that as a business consultant, I'm often faced with. When discussing whether a business needs support, 'business plans don't work' is a frequent objection. However when we explore why, this misconception has often been brought...
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20 Sep 2018
When to complete your business plan
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
As a rule of thumb, business plans should be compiled in the quarter before they're needed. In my last blog, I explained why you DO need a business plan (you can refer back to it here). Now you're convinced, the next question is when to start? In fact, business planning...
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03 Aug 2018
Effective selling: understanding customer need
Written by Doug D'Aubrey
Effective selling comes when belief in your product or service is combined with an understanding of your prospects' needs. In my previous blog, Effective selling: know you product, I explained how a belief in what you're selling increases sales. I also explained how to provide your salesforce with that belief....
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